Amateur Radio Club Make First Contacts of the School Year

At our KM2ARC Amateur Radio Club Meeting on October 3, 2019, members of the club were able to see us make our first contacts using a High-Frequency radio (HF). We made a total of two contacts, one in Germany and another in Pensacola, Florida.
Using a digital mode know as FT8, students completed two contacts as we demonstrated the usefulness of digital modes for weak signal contacts. Members of the club assisted with connecting our laptop and radio. They also placed and tuned a portable antenna for our operations.
Although we did not have the ideal setup for communications with our portable antenna, we were able to demonstrate the capabilities of communicating over thousands of miles. The Amateur Radio Club looks forward to participating in the upcoming School Club Roundup, where we will attempt to make contact with as many schools around the United States, and the world, as possible.
73 de KM2ARC